Carers-The Border Holiday Group

Border Holiday Group Carers

What is a Border Holiday Group Carer?

On a Border Holiday Group trip, carer's are the people travelling, who have look after the V.I.P.'s. They are volunteers who have given up their time to care for others on the holiday.

Carer's are paired with a V.I.P. for the duration of the holiday, however when help is needed all pitch in. There is also a volunteer nurse to assist. 

On the holiday male carers look after male V.I.P.'s, and females look after females, but when the Group is out and about you will find that the group mix well and we all look after one another.

Carer's must pay their own fare for the trip and may do this by fund-raising. The Group can give advice on how to do this.

The Border Holiday Group, an unincorporated charitable association, organises Coach Holidays to Europe for the Sick and Disabled from the Borders Region and Southern Scotland.

Registered Charity Number: SC038524.